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    Proudly Representing Montana's Hard-Working Men & Women

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    Withdrawal Card Request

    If you have recently terminated your employment, are on unpaid sick leave or a leave of absence – or have been laid off – it is important to request a withdrawal card from Teamsters Local 190.

    A withdrawal card allows you to maintain your union membership on an inactive basis. In other words, if you are on “withdrawal status,” you will not owe union dues during the time you are not working but will remain in good standing with the union. In order to be eligible for a withdrawal card, your initiation fees must be paid in full and your union dues must be paid current.

    Failure to request a withdrawal card will make you responsible for all back dues and possibly a re-initiation fee if you start work again under a Teamster employer. Your request should be submitted before the end of the month in which you last worked.

    Please contact us as soon as possible so we can send you an official withdrawal card.

    Teamsters Union Local 190  406-248-2658  TitanOP@Teamsters190.com

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    One of the most important things you can do to get involved and help the Teamsters movement is to stay connected with your fellow members and stewards. A few simple tasks will help you be more involved with your fellow members and contribute your voice to YOUR Teamsters.

    Attend general membership meetings at the Teamster Hall at 437 Kuhlman Drive in the Heights. Currently, meetings are being held at 10 AM on the 2nd Saturday of each month.

    In addition, we suggest participating in one or more of the following activities:

    • Participate in local union events and activities
    • Join a local union committee
    • Maintain regular contact with members, retirees, business agents and officers
    • Volunteer for our local annual Children’s Christmas Party

    Additional Activities for Stewards to stay connected:

    • Establish and maintain regular contact with the members you represent as a union steward.
    • Maintain regular contact with your fellow stewards, business officers and committee members.

    Ask your steward or business agent to explain parts that seem unclear.

    If you think management is acting unfairly, let your steward and co-workers know. The only way things can change is if you speak up and ask to be treated equally.

    If you know that someone else is being treated unfairly, help that person speak up and support them. Our union is strong because we stick together and stand up for one another.

    Give your local union representative your ideas for what to negotiate in your contract. Join in activities to show management that you support your union. Help reach out to community groups when their support is needed.

    When other union members win better contracts, it helps set higher standards that make it easier for your group to negotiate improvements. Other workers may ask you to help them by boycotting a certain product, displaying a bumper sticker, or attending a rally to demonstrate your support. Consider helping them get their voices heard loud and clear.

    Contact My Elected Representatives
Teamsters Union Local 190
PO Box 50969
Billings, MT 59105

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